J recently applied for a new job. With another company. In another city.
I know I've gone through this before. It's how we ended up here in 2008 in the first place. And we went through this back in 2012 when J put in for a promotion, the one he didn't get after being told he was their number one choice. Moving for J's career is nothing new, and I've always expected it to happen again eventually. This time feels different, we are being sneaky and deceptive, because J has applied for a job with a big competitor. We haven't even shared it with our family. J's company would grab him up and march him out the front door today, if they found out. Yes, really really. We've seen it before. Truth is, there are currently a lot of situations at work that have many employees leaving in droves. Like, quitting without any notice whatsoever. And a lot of them are going to the company where J just sent his resume.
J has worked at his company for almost 18 years now, since he was 30. But he's about as far as he's going to get where he's at currently, and not only is my husband ready and excited for the challenge to do more in the future, he's dreadfully unhappy and feeling stuck right now. He is so unhappy he actually vomits before heading off to work on a lot of mornings. He tries to hide it from me, or brush it off as "nothing", but I of all people understand how emotions and nerves and feelings sometimes come spewing out of you in the form of nasty bile.
For my dear husband, I hope with all my heart he gets exactly what he wants. If he truly wants this job with a new company, a fresh start, then this is my wish for him. He's had a corporate recruiter after him for almost two years now, with phone calls and emails that are always politely dismissed. But two weeks ago, when the fellow called yet again, J listened with an open mind and decided that the time is now right. He has put aside his loyalties to his company, because very soon that company and all it stood for, will be nothing more than a footnote in Wikipedia somewhere after a big merger with a larger corporation. The company name, the company logo, the company pride and high standards, with cease to exist as of September.
And after having said all of that, my anxiety stems from the fact that yes, we would have to move again. The new job is north of "the big city" and we live south. Almost 100 miles, and with the traffic through the city, it makes for a two hour commute one way. And the simple fact is, J will always work 12 hour days and how in the world could he tack on another 4 hours of driving, every day? He can't, and I wouldn't let him. He said maybe he could do it for a short while, but not permanently.
So as it stands today, the only thing we know from the corporate recruiter is that J's resume has made it to the right person at this company. That's it. I think J has a very likely chance of getting an interview in the upcoming weeks, and I think he has a fair chance at being a top contender. Will he get the job? I don't know. To me, he's number one, but out there in the corporate world there could be a dozen of competent, qualified people just like J who have put in for the job. J is always worried that, even with his years of real world experience and accomplishments, he will not be considered because he never finished college.
My anxieties are for J, but more than that, my anxieties are about potentially moving again and all that it entails. Nothing, absolutely nothing has happened that would indicate that we will have to move anytime soon. But because there is a tiny little cloud of chance floating out there, my brain has turned it into a 100% warning of thunderstorms with hurricane force winds. I have already started looking at houses online, and had a genuine panic attack yesterday when one of my "favorites" had sold. Really? REALLY??!! This, simply because my husband turned in a piece of paper to some guy.
This is how my stupid, damn brain works. Why can't I just sit back and relax, and enjoy the butterfly garden my husband worked so hard to build for me- instead of looking at all the plants saying "I'm going to dig them all up and take them with me when we move."