Trying to get through the world every day without tripping over my own two feet.

Monday, February 9, 2015

This Year Needs To Be Better

I'm going to try to write this and post this all on the same day.  Normally it takes me a week to finish a post.  I add and rewrite and spell check a hundred times, I would be an editor's worst nightmare if I wrote for a living, the way I always dreamed I would.  I promised myself AGAIN, that I will post more often and in order to accomplish that, to write shorter posts.  We'll see how that goes starting with this one.

2015 kicked off on a pretty good note.  We spent half of January- 15 days- on vacation.  We enjoyed the sun, the sand, the blue ocean, good food, shows, shopping, nature, and most of all- time together relaxing.  We even had lunch at a restaurant sitting on the smoking rim of an active volcano (photo).  Well hell, I suppose I can't ask for anything more.

2015 has me in a hopeful frame of mind.  2014 ended on a crappy note with the holidays and some other things going on.  Family, jobs, friends, health- all those things that can sometimes be stupid and annoying when they should be amazing and comforting.  I was glad for Christmas and the entire 2014 holiday season to be over with finally.  I was ready for a fresh new year and a clean slate.

I am in the process of reworking my business plan as far as my jewelry/pottery goes.  Online sales have been dismal so I'm trying to move away from Etsy a bit, or at least revamp my shop.  This year I plan to branch out into the real world and start setting up at the dozens of local craft fairs and street festivals.  We have a ton of them in this area.  I know I'm not ready to do the great big (expensive!) shows, but I think I can handle the monthly craft fair around the courthouse square downtown.

It's good to have something to focus on, besides pain and loneliness and the winter weather.  The more time passes me by, the more I realize that it's not going to stop and patiently wait for me to get my shit together.  I've got to jump in with both feet and get off my ass.  I feel as though I've wasted the 1 1/2 years that I've been full time at home now.  I could have/should have accomplished SO much more at this point!  My life is going to be whatever I make out of it.  So far, I've made a mess.  I'm ready to get it together in 2015!  I really really am!


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