Trying to get through the world every day without tripping over my own two feet.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Well this morning I have to "undo" my last post.  Friday J was offered the promotion, and today he will accept it officially with paperwork and announcements and all that fanfare.  We don't know when he would start, it may be a few weeks yet.  Since J has so many responsibilities at his current position, he has a lot of knowledge and duties to pass along, so he feels he needs some time to take care of that and not leave his team in a lurch.  He's not out to hurt anyone or screw anyone over- he is still with the company after all.

This weekend he voiced all his concerns and fears and self-doubts, but in the end, he knows this is what he wants.  19 years in with the company, and he still has the drive to keep moving up the ladder.  Any trepidation he has about this new promotion is just over the unknown, and that will ease in time.  We are happy and excited and scared and anxious all at once.

Along the same lines, this weekend marked my two year anniversary of leaving the same company after my much shorter (12 years) career there.  I've made some improvements to my life, but not as many as I had hoped I would.  But the key is to keep going forward.  I have already told myself that with J's new job and his soon-to-be travels, I will use all the new "me" time to continue on my journey.

Here's to hoping that this will be an exciting phase of our lives, and that the voyage will be positive!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to J on his promotion! It is going to be a big change, but I hope it all goes smoothly.

    Yes, keep moving forward. You got this!

    xo, C
